GLAS Foundation has offered the possibility of combining multiple engagement possibilities in bundles available for Work It OUT business platform’s members. Currently we have two main packages: WIO COMMITTED PARTNER and WIO PROUD SUPPORTER. They are rich in D&I activities, including but not limited to:
- webinar and experience workshops for employees and top management
- attendance and speaking engagements of company representatives at our different D&I events
- publishing of articles, advertorials and success stories in our community media channels
- mental health support for the LGBTI members of your team
Both packages will give you the opportunity to show your support and be part of a growing network of innovative and inclusive like-minded businesses. Most importantly – they are not fixed. You can mix and match different possibilities, drag and drop elements in order to create the best package which will fit your company’s needs. Click to find out more about them.
GLAS Foundation has offered the possibility of combining multiple engagement possibilities in bundles available for Work It OUT business platform’s members. Currently we have two main packages: WIO COMMITTED PARTNER and WIO PROUD SUPPORTER.
Both packages will give you the opportunity to show your support and be part of a growing network of innovative and inclusive like-minded businesses. Most importantly – they are not fixed. You can mix and match different possibilities, drag and drop elements in order to create the best package which will fit your company’s needs.
If you wish your company to take advantage of our WIO packages, you can contact us at