Can you imagine if you have to be somewhere everyday and to pretend to be someone else only to be able to perform your daily work responsibilities?
“If I have to be careful, to censor myself for 8 hours a day, what kind of life is this?”
“When I was hiding, a significant part of my mind was occupied with thinking over every word and every gesture, whether they would not expose me … Now my whole mind is 100% occupied with the problems of my work.”
Those are just a few of the LGBTI people who dared to “go out” at their workplaces. To be “in the closet” leads to huge and constant stress for them. And people under constant stress cannot think, are not creative, get tired easily, make wrong decisions. They cannot be 100% part of the team and will always suffer from some social isolation at work which helps them hide what they don’t want to be understood. All of this, of course, is the shortcut to burnout, depression and alcoholism. In the section OUT@work you can read about all the people who dared to be themselves at their workplaces.